DECIDE’s 3rd General Assembly in Krakow
The last 11th and 12th of July, all the DECIDE partners participated in the 3rd General Assembly of DECIDE action. The two days duration meeting was held in the beautiful and interesting city of Krakow, where an office of Cloud Broker is settled.
Different workshops took place during the meetings focusing mainly on:
- Discussing the DECIDE tool chain workflow and the interaction with the different stake holders (multi-cloud applications developers, multi-cloud applications operators, and cloud service providers).
- Analyzing the technical details of the DECIDE key results: ARCHITECT, OPTIMUS, DevOps framework, ACSmI and ADAPT. Special focus was paid to the internal and external interfaces, technical architecture and integration approach.
- Understanding the three use cases and how the gaps they encounter nowadays to develop and operate multi-cloud applications can be decreased by DECIDE KRs.
- Deriving the potential business models and business scenarios that may assure the sustainability of DECIDE outcomes.
As a conclusion, all the main open technical, business and communication related issues where discussed and (for some of them) final decisions were made. Every partner came back home with a rather big list of tasks to be done, and with the next milestone in the mind: M12 deliveries including the first prototypes! It is time to develop and implement the first software releases! Good luck!
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