Mission and Objectives
The main objective of DECIDE is to provide a new generation of multi-cloud services-based software framework, enabling techniques, tools and mechanisms to design, develop, operate, and dynamically (re-)deploy multi-cloud aware applications in an ecosystem of reliable, interoperable, and legal compliant cloud services.
DECIDE’s mission will be realized by achieving the following objectives:
- Set up a development, delivery and operation pipeline covering the stages that a multi-cloud native application goes through, from development to operation, providing the needed mechanisms for continuous architecting, development, continuous integration, continuous quality, continuous (re-) deployment and operation.
- Facilitate the continuous architecting approach by providing a set of architectural patterns along with the supporting tool that will ease the design, development, optimization and deployment of multi-cloud native applications.
- Provide mechanisms to analyze alternative cloud deployment scenarios and their impact in the non-functional requirements (NFR )of the application (e.g. security, performance), in the multi-cloud application SLA (MCSLA) as well as in the application costs, suggesting the developers and operators the best cloud deployment alternatives through the simulation of the behavior of the application under stressful conditions and the cloud resources and cloud nodes communications.
- Make available broadly and cross border cloud services, so that enterprises and developers can re-use and combine cloud services, assembling a network of interoperable, legal compliant, quality assessed (against SLAs) single and composite cloud services.
- Enable the self-adaptation and (semi-) automatic redeployment of (parts of) the application at real time, in order to comply with the set of the predefined NFR of the application.