CloudBroker: integration chronicles


CloudBroker GmbH have been working on DECIDE project for 20 months. Admittedly, much was done.

Much yet remains to be done. DECIDE is a project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. The project is aimed to provide a new generation of multi-cloud services-based software framework, enabling techniques, tools and mechanisms to design, develop, operate, and dynamically (re-)deploy multi-cloud aware applications in an ecosystem of reliable, interoperable, and legal compliant cloud services.

CloudBroker is updating and extending its existing Cloud Service Management Platform to acquire multi-cloud services and participates in the development of means for interaction with multi-cloud environment, among them:

DECIDE DevOps Framework provides the adequate environment for multi-cloud native application developers and operators to design, develop, deploy and operate multi-cloud applications following the DevOps philosophy on continuous integration, continuous quality and continuous delivery.

ACSmI (Advanced Cloud Service meta-Intermediator) is an intermediate layer that will ease the discovery and adoption of cloud services in which to deploy the multi-cloud applications and the creation of a sustainable ecosystem of legislation compliant, accredited and trustworthy applications. The ACSmI will also provide mechanisms to support the dynamic reconfiguration of cloud services based on changing conditions (SLA violations, security constraints, network outages) using SDN techniques.

DECIDE ADAPT is a tool that allows the (semi-)automatic adaptation of the application and redeployment in another multi-cloud configuration when certain conditions are not met. Depending on the technological complexity requirement, and the initially prioritized requirements by the user, the application will be readapted automatically or an alert to the operator will be launched along with a diagnosis of what malfunctioned so that a new optimal configuration can be found.

The first version of those tools has been successfully integrated with the CloudBroker Platform. An update is to be released in November 2018, don’t miss it!